Al –Arqam Academy believes that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behavior.

Children need to learn to consider the views and feelings, needs and rights of others and the impact that their behavior has on people, places and objects. This is a developmental task that requires support, encouragement, teaching and setting an example for our students. The principles that underpin how we achieve positive and considerate behavior exist within our point system for promoting personal, social and emotional development.  

The KG department believes in promoting positive behavior. We aim to encourage self-discipline, consideration for each other, our surroundings and property. By praising students and acknowledging their positive action and attitudes we hope to ensure that children see that we value and respect them. All staff is expected to model behavior that they would expect from the children, and be consistent in their approach to the management of behavior.

Positive behavior is encouraged by praising and reinforcing good behavior, and by encouraging sharing and negotiation. This is often achieved and reinforced through themed assemblies, stories etc. They are encouraged to think about the effects of their behavior on others. Behaviour records are considered as part of student follow up.

All teachers who are involved with students have to contribute to the behaviour record. (Arabic teacher, English teacher, and assistants) Records to be submitted to Head of Departments each month. Awarding students to be in special assemblies or in the class. Rewarding of students is done throughout the year.

Positive guidance for inappropriate behaviour

Incidents are to be recorded and filed in the class’s behaviour record file. Teachers will deal with the behaviour following positive guidance strategies:

Ways to practice positive guidance:

  • Use body language that matches words and feelings. Giving a hug is sometimes a good idea; it soothes nerves, reinforces positive feelings and provides energy to finish a task.  
  • Express your feelings with a focus on the behaviour, not the child.
  • Ask the child to explain her-self in regards to what had happened Using open ended questions to give opportunity for discussion. For example: (What happened, .. when,.. how,. What do you think we have to do now ….?)
  • Focus on what’s next rather than where she was/what she did/why she did something.
  • Be an active listener; listen to the student’s heart (feelings) and respond to that, rather than responding to what she is saying/doing.
  • Be polite; use “please” and “thank you” As a role model.
  • Use a dramatic pause to get student’s attention.  State her name firmly, pause dramatically and repeat if necessary, using direct eye contact.  Then give instruction politely.
  • Use silent gestures to communicate secretly with a student who is exhibiting unwanted behaviour.  Agree on a private signal as a reminder if a child forgets what to do/what not to do.
  • Address the child in privet as a respect to her feelings.
  • Remind child of the rules. If in the classroom, refer to the rule chart on the wall or ask her to find/state the rule that is being broken.

Guidance from outside the classroom

As soon adjust to the school environment they will begin to learn about the expectations and behaviours that are appropriate through their natural interactions with teachers and students in the classroom. In some cases, guidance from outside the classroom is required. This guidance can be initiated either by the teacher or the parent and should be requested through the KG Social Worker. The Social Worker will then inform the appropriate people and arrange for a meeting to decide on the actions to be taken. These actions will be discussed and agreed upon by the class parent, teacher, Social Worker and Head of Academics.

These actions may include the following:

  • Discussion between coordinator, teacher, and child’s parent - agreeing on targets for behaviour (may also include Head of Academics/, if deemed necessary)
  • Individual behaviour Plan to be put together by the social worker.
  • Children who are facing behavioural difficulties will be placed on the special behavioural intervention program as a support program.
  • It may also be necessary to involve out of school professionals, throughout the school process.
  • Follow up on the progress of the student will continue through the guidance counselor until the student’s behaviour can be managed according to our regular policy of positive behaviour management within the class setting.