English Department Programs 


  Program  Effect
 1 Morning Assembly Encourage the children to start their day active

Field Trips

  • Al-Khulifat Park
  • Skills Development Center
  • Aspire Park 
  • Plant Nursery
  • Pizza Express
Entertainment and educational trips
 3 Mummy in my Kindy

To offer the mothers a chance to participate with their children in their learning journey

 4 I am a reporter

To develop speaking skills- school values, responsibility


Parties: Eid Al-Adha Party, National Day Party, Best Class Party

Entertainment, culture awareness, educational
 6 First Reading Week To develop the reading skills
 7 Rising Stars

To reward the children according to the school’s reward criteria 

  • Achieve school values
  • Best Academics
  • Best Behavior
  • Improvement/ effort
 8 Second reading Week

To develop the reading skills, enhance the interest in books

 9 Support Program To support the low achievers
 10 Gifted and Talented Program To enhance the gifted and talented students
 11 100 Days of school

Children evaluated their achievements during the first 100 days of school

 12 Go Green/ Recycle Encourage the children to gain environment awareness

KG2 parents’ Workshop - 3 sessions

How can you support your child to be a good reader?

 14 Third Reading Week

To develop the reading skills and the interest in books

 15 Kids around the world

To enhance the children knowledge to learn about some different countries all around the world.

 16 Career Day

To enhance the children knowledge about the community helpers who are helping us.


KG 2 to year 1 transition program

KG 2 students will have a tour in the primary section. They will visit grade 1 classes

 18 End of Year Party

Celebrate the students achievements all over the year

 19 KG 2 Graduation KG 2 students big event of graduation


Arabic Department Programs 

 1 Morning Lineup Programs
 2 Holy Qur’an Competition
 3 Presence of a fellow teacher

Arabic Department Honorary board Honor the students with the most outstanding and excellent  values, and behavior in the morning lineups over the first and second semesters

 5 Two weeks of reading and storytelling
 6 “A clown In my Kindergarten” Play
 7 Al Arqam Reader
 8 Arab Child Day (Program for the Excellent)
 9 Standard Viewing Week
 10 Support Program
 11 Qur’an Competition Week
 12 Story Week (With Secondary Students)
 13 Excellent Classroom Competition (With the social worker)
 14 World Day of teeth (with the doctor)
 15 Healthy food (with the doctor)
 16 Scouts Club (with the social worker)
 17 World Environment Day
 18  “Before they freeze” Play (with the social worker)