Policy of dealing with academically low achieving students

  1. Policy of dealing with academically low achieving students. At the end of the academic year, students’ results are collected and revised. (Head of Academics to students’ counselor).
  2. As the new academic year starts, students sit the diagnostic tests and a list with names of students who scored less than 50% in these tests is submitted by Heads of departments. (First analysis), (Head of Academics to students’ counselor).
  3. A support file will be open for each student who has difficulties in a subject or more. (Students’ counselor)
  4. Parents of students who are achieving less than 50% will be met and informed about their daughters’ areas of weakness and teachers’ guiding report about what the student can do to improve her performance in the subject/subjects. (Students’ counselor with the help of admin staff for calling parents)
  5. If meetings with parents are individual, they have to be recorded in the meeting file as well as in the student’s support file. (Students’ counselor)
  6. A support plan will be set for the student which can be through any/some of the following:
    • Individual support for the student outside the classroom.
    • A special plan for the student in the classroom during the lesson through providing suitable differentiated instruction, worksheets or activities to the student.
    • The support teacher would help the student in the class.( In Primary)
    • Support lessons will be arranged for the students during or after the school day.
  7. Heads of Departments/ Coordinators and Head of Academics will follow up on the progress these students are making after the support provided.
  8. Support will continue to be provided as long as needed along the academic year.  (Heads of Departments with the students’ counselor)
  9. After term1, students’ results are analysied by teachers and heads of departments, list With names of lowing achieving students will be given to students’ counselor. (Head of Academics to students’ counselor)
  10. Parents of students who are still struggling in the same subject/subjects will be met during teachers- Parents conferences or called to individual meetings in order to discuss  students’ areas of weakness and a guiding report will be given to parents on how to how to  support their daughters in these subjects. (Students’ counselor with the help of admin staff for calling parents)

  11. Collective and individual meetings with parents are to be documented. (Students’ counselor and Admin staff)

  12. After term 2, students’ results are analysied for the third time in April and parents on students who still have weakness in the subjects will be called in for determining the  student’s situation based on the school’s policies which include:

    • First:

      After term 3 results are announces, an average of students’ performance in the 3 terms for all subjects will be calculated. Students who have scored an F grade, achieved less than 50%, in any of the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Arabic, Sharia, Humanities Arabic, Humanities English):

      • If the student failed in 4 or less of the subjects mentioned above, she will re-sit the exam in August.

      • If after re-sitting the exam in August, the student failed again in any of the subjects, the student will have to repeat the same academic year she studied.

    • Second: 

      After calculating the average of the 3 terms, if the student failed in more than 4 of the above mentioned subjects, the student will have to repeat the same academic year she studied and cannot re-sit any exams in August.The student and her parents have the right to choose to move the student to another school that may be more suitable for her. The other school admission policies will apply to the student  which may result in the student repeating the year in the school she will move to.

  13. The student’s case will be documented through:

    • A report about procedures taken during the year and student’s results to be included in the student’s support file.

    • Documenting meetings with parents and parents sign meeting minutes.

    • Submitting the student’s support file at the students’ affairs department which will be included in the student’s school file.